Every once in a while I am going to post some of the things that I currently LOVE. I have a very obsessive personality and tend to love things for a period of time and then move on to something else every few weeks. But some of these things have stood the test of time. One of them being:
1) Keira Knightley: I absolutely love this girl. I have loved her for years and think that she is the most beautiful woman in Hollywood. I also think she is one of the most glamourous, and was very disappointed to not see her in Glamour magazine's list of 50 Most Glamourous Women. She deserves number one in my opinion, and this is (part of) my shrine to her on my wall.
2) Prada eau d'Iris perfume: I go through obsessive phases with perfume and this is my current love. It smells so fresh and delicious and is perfect for hot summer days. And the bottle is gorgeous, too--plain and simple. Amazing.

3) Sparkly things: I LOVE this sparkly jewelry case that my friend gave me. This picture does not do it justice, because in person I literally cannot take my eyes off of it! Whenever I go into her store, there are tons of sparkly items from
Deux Lux and I just want to buy them all!
And last but not least...
4) Chris Pine: Alright, so I will admit that I loved him even BEFORE Star Trek in Princess Diaries 2, but after seeing him as Captain Kirk my love has been renewed :) He is drop-dead handsome in this picture, and he is a wonderful actor. And guess what? In June I will be seeing him in person in the front row of his play that he is doing with Chris Noth. CAN'T WAIT.
Anyway, I hope everyone has/had a lovely day and night!